Meet Nayali

Although many people know me as Kathleen,  my Spirit name is Nayali Ayam. My spirit is who I truly am, so I step into, who I truly am.

As Nayali Ayam I offer ways to help you walk your personal spiritual path, at your own pace. My Liquid Light Essences help you to grow in all ways. Through private or group sessions and healing,  workshops and training, there is choice for everyone at all levels. Allow me to help you shine and grow.

As a child I had a wondrous connection to nature and the elements. I could see things that others did not.

I left that behind as I grew farther away from my childhood. Peaceful time playing in the garden and by the river was replaced by schooling, study, and life in general.

are you ready to grow and learn?

My connection to nature disappeared as I became an adult and pursued a career in nursing, mainly in the ED. No Longer did I take the time to visit my garden and river. Life became busy and I found myself in the scientific based hospital system, playing my part to help people.

When I became a wife and mother, I seemed to rekindle the gentle side I had as a child. My ED days were done, and I found myself working in a clinic where I could give one-on-one care to my patients.

In 2007 my eyes were opened to crystals, which led me to books, study of Reiki, crystal healing, Angel Intuitive courses and Tarot and Oracle card courses.

I trained in Mediumship, Self-Development, Pellowah Healing and Training, ways to help in raising our personal vibration…the list goes on…all this whilst continuing my work in nursing and home life.

But I found a way to blend the scientific world of modern medicine with the ancient world of natural medicine; the type that starts healing from within, so the outer can heal.

are you ready to awaken?

As a surgical clinic nurse I developed ways to bring in a holistic approach, working alongside our “scientific black-and-white” medical team. I was able to offer our patients more in the way of support. It seemed to work really well and the gratitude I received from my patients spurred me on to find more ways to help.

So, fast forward to 2023 and now 2024. 40-plus years of nursing behind me and an added 15 years of study and experience, I am now full time in my own practice Pellowah Melbourne, helping people through healing, guiding, and teaching. I have developed and created what I wanted 15 plus years ago. That is to help people get started and to continue their spiritual journey.

I am living my passion; to help people to help themselves. I feel extremely privileged and grateful because this is who I am and this is why I am here.

At Pellowah Melbourne I offer Spiritual Sampler workshops; Pellowah Healing; Pellowah training; Liquid Light Essences; Codes for Change and Acceleration workshops; Reiki healing with Essential Oils and Essences; Angel Card readings; Numerology and Personal Development.

How can I help you?

About my essences

Since 1998 I have travelled to Antarctica multiple times, to Hawaii, and to the Philippines, and many other destinations, laying the foundations to create and capture these Volcanic Essences of Light that will help open you up to growth.