CUSP Essence Spray by Nayali

Are you on the CUSP of a big change? 

This spray essence will help you be grounded and balanced.

Clear  your space and lighten your load.

 Use for Leadership, following your dreams, or anything that you need help with to achieve.
Courage, Understanding Strength, Perseverance.

You only need to make the effort. Allow CUSP Essence Spray to help.

Courage to step out of the box and “put ego aside”, to look at a situation with clarity. Dig deep, find that clarity. – only then you can have

Understanding of what needs to be dealt with. Don’t just push it under the carpet. Clear it energetically.
When you have gained Understanding then comes the Strength to action whatever needs to be done.

Strength involves stepping out of your comfort zone. It does not necessarily make you popular – hence the “put ego aside”; CUSP can help you step out of your ego.
Strength to do what is right – to make the correct choice, the appropriate action for whatever the issue is. For whoever or whatever you need to go in batting for.
With Strength comes patience; to wait, and not rush in like a bull at a gate – to get the full story and see the bigger picture. Strength to go within to find the correct path to take. Are you working with information or inspiration? Inspiration: Stop – take some breaths in – the act of inspiration. Receive the brilliant idea, that AHA moment – a “flash of Inspiration”.

Then comes
Perseverance to follow that Inspiration, that brilliant idea.

The tenacity to follow your heart and not your head.

Perseverance takes all the above – Courage, Understanding and Strength to get the job done. With Perseverance comes the Endurance needed to withstand any obstacles in the way of your goal.

Spray around you and above your head. Absorb the moment.

Use day and night and whenever you are working on something; make note of your dreams and the messages you receive when awake

Enjoy this wondrous gift created by Nature, Spirit and Nayali Ayam